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Game to play? Exploring the experiences and attitudes towards sport, exercise and physical activity amongst same sex attracted and gender diverse young people

Research Youth Mental Health & Wellbeing
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Authors: Storr, R., Robinson, K., Davies, C., Nicholas, L., & Collison, A.

Date of publication: 2020

Publisher: Western Sydney University (NSW, Australia)

Summary: This Australian study was conducted with 13 same-sex attracted and gender diverse young people (SSAGD) aged 17-21 in NSW via interviews. It was conducted to contribute to positively addressing the increased inclusion of SSAGD young people in sport and physical activities. Young people in this research expressed a strong desire to participate in sport and physical exercise, however most had experienced numerous forms of discrimination, especially in PE at school. Of note, participants highlighted barriers to taking part in sport that were specifically related to their gender identity such as gendered sporting facilities (e.g. toilets and change rooms) and PE activities and sport being structured around sex and gender. The researchers provide practical recommendations for improving access to sports for SSAGD young people, including tackling violence and discrimination in sports and PE at school.

You can read the full report here