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The impact of microaggressions on the mental health of trans and gender-diverse people: A scoping review

Research Youth Mental Health & Wellbeing
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Authors: Kimber, B., Oxlad, M & Twyford, L.

Date of publication: 2024

Journal: International Journal of Transgender Health

Summary: his Australian review explored the effect that microaggressions have on the mental health of trans and gender-diverse people. Microaggressions are defined as brief statements or behaviours that communicate hostile or derogatory messages towards a member/s of a minority group. This review explores the effect that exposure to these microaggressions have on the mental health of the trans and gender-diverse population.

Trans and gender-diverse people experience unique environmental microaggressions which impact their participation in daily life in multiple areas including family, friend and romantic relationships, the workplace and healthcare settings. These may look like verbal/non-verbal attacks intended to hurt the person they’re directed at, unintentional subtle statements that demean one’s identity or excluding or invalidating one’s thoughts, feelings or emotions.

The authors found that the majority of the studies reviewed identified that trans and gender diverse people experienced a range of adverse mental health outcomes such as emotional exhaustion, stress, anxiety, suicidal ideation/attempts as well as overall decreased quality of life due these microaggressions.
The authors raised concerns around the lack of trans and gender-diverse specific measures, with many studies relying on dated measures or measures that lack generalizability. Amongst other conclusions, the authors suggest the development of measures that have been validated in trans and gender-diverse populations.

You can read the full study here