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Mental health resources for parents and caregivers 

Raising children can be stressful! We know that parents of gender diverse young people also experience additional unique stressors that can further impact on their mental and physical health and wellbeing. Here are some resources for supporting your mental health and wellbeing.

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You can also check out our list of peer support providers for parents here

Mental Health & Wellbeing
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Websites and online support for parents’ mental health and wellbeing

Wellbeing resources – websites

Parents: looking after yourself | Raising Children Network Resources on looking after yourself as a parent.

Parent Wellbeing | Parentline Resources and tips on promoting your wellbeing as a parent.

Beyond Blue | Personal Best | Information and tips on maintaining your wellbeing.

Wellbeing resources and information| Black Dog Institute Information on ways to wellbeing.

Self-care for family | headspace Information on self-care for parents with a child who is experiencing mental health difficulties.

Mental health online tools and apps |Black Dog Institute A list of digital tools and apps to support your mental health and wellbeing.

Self-help resources|LETSS Self-help resources that can be personalised by you or by your child to aid wellbeing.

Wellbeing resources – podcasts and apps

Calm A mindfulness app for all ages. It offers guided meditations, movement exercises and journals to track mood and sleep. Calm has free and paid options.

More from Mindfully – ABC Radio Mindfully is a collaboration between ABC and Smiling Mind that offers tips and tricks from Mindfulness experts as well as guided mindfulness sessions.

the imperfects Podcast – The Resilience Project In this podcast, hosts Hugh, Josh and Ryan interview a variety of Australians in the public eye about their struggles and imperfections. Features clinical psychologist, Dr Emily, as a recurring guest.

All In the Mind with Sana Qadar – ABC Radio National This ABC podcast covers a range of topics about the mind, brain and behaviour and speaks to a variety of professionals and people with lived experience.

Mental health support for adults – websites

Beyond Blue | 24/7 Support for Anxiety, Depression and Suicide Prevention A suite of information and resources for checking in on your mental health and supporting you through tough times.

Welcome to Head to Health | Head to Health Head to Health is hosted by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care and can help you find digital mental health services from some of Australia’s most trusted mental health organisations. You can find apps, online programs, online forums, and phone services, as well as a range of digital information resources.

Free Mental Health Fact Sheets – Black Dog Institute Fact sheets on common mental health disorders.

Mental health counselling | Suicide Call Back Service The Suicide Call Back Service is a free nationwide service providing 24/7 phone and online counselling to people affected by suicide. Their site also contains information and resources on feeling suicidal and other mental health challenges.

www.qlife.org.au QLife provides anonymous and free LGBTI peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. Their services are for LGBTI individuals, their friends and families, and health professionals in Australia.

Movember An Australian site hosting support and resources for men’s mental health.

HeadsUpGuys A Canadian site hosting resources and information for men on managing and preventing depression. Also contains guidance for partners, friends and family.

Mental health support for adults – online programs

HeadGear A free app designed with a male audience in mind that guides you through a 30–day mental fitness challenge designed to build resilience and wellbeing and prevent things like depression and anxiety.

MindSpot Free, online, personalised mental health care for issues such as anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD and substance use.

MyCompass A free personalised, online self-help treatment program for stress, anxiety and depression. It has 14 interactive program activities and each include up to three 10-15 minute sessions you can complete in your own time.

Smiling Mind A free mindfulness-based app developed by psychologists and educators to help bring balance to your life. Includes meditation and mindfulness exercises for helping with sleep, stress, relationships, thoughts, and emotions.

This Way Up Online evidence-based programs to help improve the way you feel with self-help resources for issues such as stress, anxiety and low mood.