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Casual template to inform existing extra-curricular providers about your child’s gender identity

Simply tailor the template to your specific circumstances to create a personalised letter or email.

Download Word Template

Education & Recreation
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Hi <contact name>,

We’d like to let you know that <name> [is now identifying / identifies] as <gender identity>. [She uses / He uses / They use] [She/Her/Hers / He/Him/His / They/Them/Their / <Other>] pronouns. [She doesn’t / He doesn’t / They don’t] have any particular care requirements apart from access to [the girls’ / the boys’ / a staff / a disabled / a private / a gender neutral] bathroom for toileting and getting changed.

Below/attached are a bunch of resources you can familiarise yourself with: [Copy/paste appropriate links from below]

Can you please have a chat with staff to let them know; they will benefit from reading through the above resources as well.


<your name/s>

<your signature/s>

Resource lists to forward:

Education settings

Guide for Schools | Transcend Australia
A guide to supporting young trans people at school | TransHub (ACON)
Education resources [All states and territories] | Transcend
School & University [New South Wales] | TransHub (ACON)
Stand Out | Minus18
Trans@School: A guide for schools, educators, and families of trans and gender diverse children and young people | Queensland Human Rights Commission

Resources for educators

Trans@School: A guide for schools, educators, and families of trans and gender diverse children and young people | Queensland Human Rights Commission
Educators and education professionals | Gender Spectrum [USA]
Youth development, sports & camp leaders | Gender Spectrum [USA]
Our trans loved ones | PFLAG [USA]
For allies | Transcend Australia