How are transgender and gender nonconforming youth affected by the news? A qualitative study Helen.morgan | 25 April 2023
Have you heard the news? The effects of exposure to news about recent transgender legislation on transgender youth and young adults Helen.morgan | 25 April 2023
Game to play? Exploring the experiences and attitudes towards sport, exercise and physical activity amongst same sex attracted and gender diverse young people Helen.morgan | 25 April 2023
Snapshot of mental health and suicide prevention statistics for LGBTIQ+ people Helen.morgan | 25 April 2023
Writing themselves in 4: The health and wellbeing of LGBTQA+ young people in Australia Helen.morgan | 25 April 2023
Associations between negative life experiences and the mental health of trans and gender diverse young people in Australia: findings from Trans Pathways Helen.morgan | 25 April 2023
Trans Pathways: The mental health experiences and care pathways of trans young people Helen.morgan | 25 April 2023
Chosen name use is linked to reduced depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, and suicidal behavior among transgender youth Helen.morgan | 25 April 2023
Parental challenges, facilitators and needs associated with supporting and accepting their trans child’s gender Helen.morgan | 25 April 2023