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Autism and gender diversity: Digital resources

Autism & Gender Diversity
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Trans 101 Neurodiversity


In this video, listen to gender diverse and non-binary neurodivergent young people talk about their experiences. Explores the difference between neurodivergence and mental health difficulties.  

Double Helix Rainbow Kids: Autism and Gender Diversity


Listen to Dr Casey Von Drehle from University of California San Francisco discuss the connection between gender diversity and autism spectrum disorder. Casey also discusses unique presentations of patients, barriers to treatment and identifies ways to provide support and care.

Amplified, Ep 2: Yenn Purkis


In this podcast, Ginny Grant interviews Yenn Purkis, who is an Autistic and non-binary advocate, presenter, and author and co-author of 10 books.

Amplified, Ep 4: Stevie Lang


In this podcast episode, Ginny Grants interviews Stevie Lang, an autistic trans advocate, writer, and creator of @_steviewrites.

Discovering my gender expression | Reframing Autism


Autistic trans advocate Jae Evergreen writes about coming out as non-binary, and later their decision to transition and their early experiences of hormone treatment.

Living Between Genders | Spectrum News


Living between genders  | Spectrum

In this comprehensive article in Spectrum, the intersection of autism and gender diversity is explored. This article makes reference to research, and quotes young people and parents who have first-hand experience at navigating these intersecting identifies. Please note that this story may be distressing as it explores the significant challenges some autistic gender diverse people have faced.

“I am very proud to be a queer person and a member of the community.” | National Autistic Society [UK]


Sophie talks about life on the spectrum as a queer, non-binary person.