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Formal template to inform new sports organisations about your child’s gender identity

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Education & Recreation
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<Your full name>

<Education Provider’s name>

To whom it may concern,

[select My son / My daughter / A young person in my care] — <insert young person’s previous name> will commence training with you on <date>. I would like to advise you that <pronoun> [is / are] gender diverse.

<Name>’s gender identity does not align with the [female / male] gender they were assigned at birth, and <pronoun> identify as <gender identity>, which means their gender is [female / male / a mix of female and male / neither female nor male / <other description>].

Sport is an important part of Australian society, and one which every young person should have access to. Young people learn a range of things through sport. It’s an important socialisation agent — where young people can meet others, learn about our differences, and build social skills such as communication and teamwork. Gender diverse young people face unique barriers in accessing sport and movement environments. Exclusion from sport not only takes away from a child’s physical and mental health, but can lead to social isolation, and reinforce societal stigma.

Gender diversity and inclusion in sport is a fast-moving area, and we must often respond to changing policies, laws and guidelines, and political spheres. But there is support available to help sports organisations, clubs, teams, and trainers navigate this changing landscape, to ensure that every child can access safe and inclusive involvement in sport and movement.

<Name>’s gender identity may affect [her / his / their / <other>] participation with you. We would like to work with you to ensure [her / his / their / <other>] sporting journey can continue as a positive experience. I trust you will consider working with us, and will commit to taking appropriate action to affirm <Name> and [her / his / their / <other>] <name>’s gender at school. I have detailed the first steps below.


[She is / He is / They are / <Other>] currently on record with you as: <Young person’s previously listed name>
[Her / His / Their / <Other>] preferred name is: <new name>
[Her / His / Their / <Other>] personal pronouns are: [She/Her/Hers / He/Him/His / They/Them/Their / <Other>]
[Her / His / Their / <Other>] legal name is: <legal name>


Can you please begin arrangements to place <Name> into the [girls / boys] team. <Name> would like to wear the corresponding [girls / boys] uniform; if you can provide instructions for us to purchase this, we will do so. Please let me know if there are any other actions I need to take to facilitate this change, knowing that Australian Law currently protects gender diverse people to play in any gendered team of their choice, except if an exemption applies:

  • Excluding or limiting the participation of any child from any gendered team on the grounds of their gender identity is considered discrimination under the Australian Sex Discrimination Act (1884).
  • However, a sports team may choose to rely on the ‘Competitive Sporting Activity’ exemption under the Act to exclude a child from a gendered sports team on the grounds of their gender identity.
  • To rely on this exemption:
    • the child must be 13 years or older; and
    • the child’s strength, stamina, or physique would give them a significant advantage over other players; and
    • these characteristics must be relevant in the sport (if the sport is skill-based and not strength-based, the exemption is not relevant); and
    • the team must be playing competitively (if the sole purpose of the team is social participation, it may be argued that the exemption is not relevant).

You may review Guidelines for the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people in sport (in particular, page 36) which offers more detail on this exemption.


We would really appreciate all coaches, assistants, and teammates to make their best efforts to always use <Name>’s correct name and pronouns, and that if any educators or staff notice anyone using an incorrect name or pronouns, to please correct that person immediately. We understand that this is an adjustment that can take time to get used to and understand that mistakes can happen. In this case, a simple and sincere apology to <Name> would be great.

We trust, <Name> has the freedom to access the [girls / boys / disabled / staff] toileting facilities and change rooms and be kept safe from bullying or harassment from teammates and other players when doing so.

This is a new area for many people, and one which you may need some help with to navigate. I have [attached / enclosed] Guidelines for the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people in sport (from the Australian Human Rights Commission) to help coaches, assistants and administration staff affirm <Name>’s gender identity, which also included information and help on creating inclusive environments for trans and gender diverse people in sport. Can you please also ensure all staff and educators take time to review the following resources: AHRC Transgender and Diverse Guidelines 2019.

If you have any questions, please contact me at <your phone number> and <email>. If you need professional, specialist advice, have questions, or just want to talk through your approach, please contact Proud2Play for guidance. You can also visit the Proud2Play, website, where you’ll find resources specially developed for sports clubs to better support LGBTQA+ inclusion.

Thank you for your understanding. I look forward to working together to support <Name>’s mental health and wellbeing during <pronoun> gender transition.

<your signature>

<your full name>